Diving has helped me want to change my life. Since I began (diving) I’ve been taking better care of my health. I love getting together with new dive buddies. You helped my son in ways no one else could. I am proud of what I learned.
I like seeing the youth encouraged by you going with them.
I asked my grandfather to take me to the camp so he can show me the river.
Diving helped me overcome my fears.
My grandson hasn’t been out of his room all winter but he begged me to drive him to the pool so he could join.
It’s been my dream to be underwater, thank you.
My son keeps asking when will you come back. He wants to do it again and ask his cousin to try.
In a hard time diving let me find peace. Underwater is the only place I feel calm.
Diving has given me a new reason to be out on the land.
I really don’t want to think how different his summer would be if not for you guys. You have helped so many mentally and emotionally, in ways others couldn’t. I hope this course continues!
My son was really into diving, even when I had trouble helping him. He asked me about it again recently. When are you coming back?